Family and Consumer Sciences Assessments (FCSAs)
Family & Consumer Sciences Assessments are subject oriented objective tests offered to FCCLA members at the Regional Leadership Conferences and at the State Leadership Conference.
Students may take any test at Region Conferences and/or the State Conference, but may only take one test at each conference. Students do not advance from one level to the next.
Registration is $15 per test. Registration fees are non-refundable.
Registration for FCSAs will be completed in the Region and/or State Conference registration sites.
Register for tests by individual members.
Substitutions for the registered test taker are acceptable and can be made online prior to the conference by each conference’s substitution deadline below. Substitutions are not accepted after these dates:
Region I: February 26 at noon CST
Region II: February 19 at noon CST
Region III: January 29 at noon CST
Region IV: February 5 at noon CST
Region V: January 22 at noon CST
State: April 2 at noon CSTThere is no limit to the number of students from a chapter that can participate.
Members are required to be in Texas FCCLA dress code to take the test.
All test takers are responsible for bringing their own fully charged device (laptop, tablet, cellphone) with reliable internet access. A limited number of devices and Wi-Fi passwords will be provided by FCCLA.
Consumer Math testers may use a calculator.
If Competitive Event Participants choose to take a FCSA, the competitive event schedule takes precedence. Competitive Event schedules and testing schedules will not be adjusted.
Officers may take an FCSA if they test online prior to the region/state conference.
Chapters must be present to accept their results/awards at the conference. If your chapter is not present to accept the results/awards at the conference, awards/results can be mailed to the chapter if the chapter covers the cost of shipping. Results/awards will not be mailed until after all regions are complete. Results will not be e-mailed to advisors.